I joined Saitama Civic Music Festival as the conductor of Saitama Luminous Wind Orchestra on 1st November. I joined the band as a clarinettist as well.

We performed following three pieces:
・Fairest of the Fair (John Philip Sousa)
・Someone To Watch Over Me (George Gershwin / Keiichi Kurokawa, arr.)
・LJK (Yuki Ueda)
The repertoire follows a historical stream of the band and popular music. Also, three of them have motifs of girs(s)/lady(ladies).
As the band was established last year, it was the first performance on the stage of a concert hall for the band. The venue was Saitama City Cultural Centre, which is also the venue for the Saitama Prefecture Band Competition.
All of us cannot help remembering the day of the competition when we see the tracks at the parking lot, the place to put instrument cases, and the rehearsal room on the basement floor.Of course, each member has deep feelings for the venue.

The performance was very successful! We believe we showcased the music performance of a community band which is different from school band ones.
Personally, it was an impressive moment to perform at the concert hall with those who have performed together and newly met recently.
I’m very grateful to organizers for preparing the festival under this social situation, to audiences for coming, to guest players for supporting the band, and our fellow band members for everything!