Musashino Academia Musicae Wind Ensemble Concert 2022


Listened to Musashino Academia Musicae Wind Ensemble Concert 2022 at Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall.

The concert repertoire consists of a variety of band original pieces. The performance delivered the colour of each piece vividly. The opening piece Jacob’s Ladder to a Crescent by Toshio Mashima was refreshing. The graduation of Dawn by Miyuko Oda was beautiful. The dark and serious sound of Stonehenge Symphony by Paul Whear described the world outlook of the piece. Solos of The Lord of the Rings were amazingly impressive.

The conductor was Major General (Ret.) Akira Takeda. The total structure was well-designed and he aggressively brought out the internal musical energy of each musician on the stage at the same time, I felt. The harmony of players’ outgoing attitudes and the conductor’s perspective entertained audiences with the various style of music.
