Keiichi Kurokawa


Publication of an Article: Band Journal (2023 July issue)

The latest edition of the Band Journal was published over the weekend, featuring an article titled “Exploring a Diversit...

2023 Japan Band Clinic

Participated in the 53rd Japan Band Clinic (JBC) from Fri., 19 to Sun., 21 May at Hamamatsu Act City.I learnt a lot from...

Two Concerts in Golden Week

Japan has a series of holidays in early May called “Golden Week”🎌 I spent quite a long time on the podium this year, con...

TKWO 161st Subscription Concert

Listened to Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra the 161st subscription concert at Nakano Zero Hall, Tokyo.The super-tough-reperto...

Publication of Articles: Band Journal (2023 May issue)

Three of my articles are published in the 2023 May issue of the Band Journal as follows: BJ Pick Up — The 53rd Japan Ban...

TKWO Special Concert

Listened to Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra Special Concert at Fuchu Forest Art Theater, Tokyo.Today's repertoire was very fa...

NPO the 510th Subscription Concert

Listened to Nagoya Philharmonic Orchestra the 510th Subscription Concert at Aichi Prefectural Theatre Concert Hall.An in...

Globe-Trotter Travel Guidebook — SAITAMA

Globe-Trotter Travel Guidebook — SAITAMA is so interesting!Saitama is generally considered a suburb-residential area and...

The 24th KYO-EN

Listened to Kyo-en, a concert introducing new wind-band music, at Bunkyo Civic Hall, Tokyo. It was held with audiences a...

Saitama Luminous Wind Orchestra the 3rd Annual Concert

Look back at the concerts in February, vol.1Saitama Luminous Wind Orchestra (LWO) the 3rd Annual Concert took place on S...