In the latest edition of Band Journal, a monthly publication by Ongaku No Tomo Sha Corp, two of my articles were published:
- A mail interview titled James Burns Discusses His 9 Symphonies and Musical Journey
- A report on Ibaraki Prefectural Oarai High School Marching (pp.44-45).
In the piece about Burns, I could sense Mr Barnes’ personality through his email text. I tried to convey that as much as possible in the Japanese text, though some content had to be omitted due to space limits. The second half will be continued in the next month’s issue.

It was very interesting for me to cover Oarai High School Band as I myself am not very knowledgeable about marching!
The article included some photos I took. When I took photos of the parade, I realized that what I was doing then was quite similar to my behaviour in a station to take train photos, that is, anticipating what would happen next and running with the camera to get a better angle of view. My teenage experience as a hobby helped my current job like this!📷