Publication of article “The Online Discussion Meeting of High-School-Band Teachers via Zoom” on Band Journal

バンドジャーナル2021年2月号表紙 Publication

An article “Discussion meeting by five high-school-band teachers from Hokkaido to Kagoshima on Zoom” was published in February 2021 issue of Band Journal, a monthly magazine by Ongaku No Tomo Sha Corp. I acted as the moderator and composed its article.

The meeting was held in the middle of October in the last year, that was the time just after the second wave had almost settled down.
We then talked that, “the spread of the infection in the winter is concerned”. This issue was published when the third wave was at its peak in the end. It resulted in carrying out to “record the history”, which is one of the roles of magazines.

I composed articles from the transcription in January and February issue, which was actually quite a tough job. I found many interesting things in terms of Japanese linguistics. I would post about that as well.
