The latest issue of Band Journal, a monthly magazine, has been published on 11th December.
The feature article is “Our Band Competition — Reminiscences and prospects”.
I acted as the facilitator of the Online Discussion Meeting of High School Band Leaders via Zoom, which appeared in the first section of the feature article.
Five students, whom you can see on the second picture, however, it has been blurred to protect copyrights and students’ privacy, shared admirable thoughts. They are worthy to be leaders of top standard bands. I had deep impressions while I was hosting the session.I highly recommend band people especially those who engage in school band education (but, it’s only in Japanese, unfortunately).
Actually, the duration of the session was 1 hour 36 mins, but, you would take only about 15 minutes to read through the article even if you read it carefully. But, most of the contents weren’t lost. I become aware of the information density of the printed media is quite high when I did tape transcription and arrangement of the article.
This is the first time for me to write for the feature article of Band Journal.
Anyway, words of high school students are absolutely wonderful, the article is surely meaningful to many band people! I’m very happy to contribute to it!