Concerts TKWO Special Concert Listened to Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra Special Concert at Fuchu Forest Art Theater, Tokyo.Today's repertoire was very fa... 2023.03.16 ConcertsDiary
Concerts NPO the 510th Subscription Concert Listened to Nagoya Philharmonic Orchestra the 510th Subscription Concert at Aichi Prefectural Theatre Concert Hall.An in... 2023.03.10 ConcertsDiary
Diary Globe-Trotter Travel Guidebook — SAITAMA Globe-Trotter Travel Guidebook — SAITAMA is so interesting!Saitama is generally considered a suburb-residential area and... 2023.03.09 DiaryReading
Concerts The 24th KYO-EN Listened to Kyo-en, a concert introducing new wind-band music, at Bunkyo Civic Hall, Tokyo. It was held with audiences a... 2023.03.05 ConcertsDiary